Baby Felix Tennis

Genre: Sport
Felix The Cat is one of the oldest popular cartoon characters since 1919. Baby Felix was a kids animated television cartoon that ran in 2000 and featured infant character versions of Joe Oriolo's Felix television cartoon from the fifties. School has ended and summer vacation for Felix and his friends is going to be fun as they will be playing tennis. Players can choose to play as either Baby Felix, Kitty, or Tattoo, plus four others can be unlocked by achieving set challenges in-game. It is a standard tennis game with an angled view so that the opponent's court is smaller than the opposing player's and as the character approaches the net, the camera view slightly follows it. There is a training mode and a progressive Championship mode. On different court surfaces, the ball moves differently. There is a meter for the serve where hitting it at a different point will give it a spin. Two players can also go multiplayer head-to-head against each other.


Part of franchise:
Felix the Cat (last 3 games)


A special edition of the Felix the Cat bundle. It includes: - Physical Copy of Felix the Cat with Reversible Cover - Felix the Cat Classic Box - Felix the Cat Original Game Soundtrack (Single Disc) - 12" x 16" Poster


Join Felix on his worldwide search as flies a monoplane across mountains, delves into the ocean depths in a submarine and races across bizarre landscapes in a wild and whacky one-wheeled car! All provided by the Magic Bag of Tricks!


Felix the Cat: Contra os Inimigos is a Brazil exclusive mobile game based on Felix the Cat.

Could be interesting


A new entry in its Pro Yakyuu Spirits series for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita.


Feel like an NFL Superstar in Madden NFL 20. Be the Face of an NFL franchise where the decisions you make matter in your journey to become an NFL Superstar in ‘FACE OF THE FRANCHISE: QB1’. Feel the emotion, personality, and power of NFL Superstars with ‘SUPERSTAR X-FACTOR’, an all-new abilities progression system that reveals special abilities for today’s most exciting NFL Superstars heightening the level strategy and excitement in every game.


Real Football / Soccer is a series of mobile football/soccer games by Gameloft that has been released annually since 2004.


Real Football / Soccer is a series of mobile football/soccer games by Gameloft that has been released annually since 2004.


Real Football / Soccer is a series of mobile football/soccer games by Gameloft that has been released annually since 2004.


Real Football / Soccer is a series of mobile football/soccer games by Gameloft that has been released annually since 2004.


Real Football / Soccer is a series of mobile football/soccer games by Gameloft that has been released annually since 2004.


Roland Garros French Open 2002 is a tennis game developed by Caparace. The player can choose between 10 different players to play in 4 tournaments that includes Roland Garros and the US Open.
