Doom II



Genre: Shooter
Hell has invaded Earth, and to save it, you must battle mightier demons with even more powerful weapons. This beloved sequel to the groundbreaking Doom (1993) introduced players to the brutal Super Shotgun, the infamous Icon of Sin boss, and more intense FPS action. A remaster of Doom II made in the KEX Engine, community-published mod support, original midi soundtrack or the modern IDKFA version by Andrew Hulshult (which includes new recordings), Improved performance with multithreaded rendering, BOOM source compatibility, accessibility options and translated into eight new languages.


Parent game


Doom II: Hell on Earth is a first-person shooter developed by id Software and released in 1994 as a sequel to the original Doom. The game continues the story, with players battling through Earth after it has been invaded by demonic forces. Gameplay remains similar to its predecessor, featuring fast-paced combat, maze-like levels, and an array of weapons, including the introduction of the powerful Super Shotgun. Doom II also adds new enemy types, such as the Arch-vile and the Mancubus, increasing the game's challenge. Initially released for MS-DOS, Doom II has since been ported to numerous platforms, becoming a cornerstone of the FPS genre.

Expansion packs


Created in collaboration by id Software, Nightdive Studios, and MachineGames, Legacy of Rust is the newest episode for DOOM, and the first official episode since DOOM II to feature new demons and weapons. This 16-map Episode is broken up into two 8 map sections: The Vulcan Abyss and Counterfeit Eden.

Part of collection:
Doom (last 3 games)


Doom: The Dark Ages is the single-player, action FPS prequel to the critically acclaimed Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal. You are the Doom Slayer, the legendary demon-killing warrior fighting endlessly against Hell. Experience the epic cinematic origin story of the Doom Slayer's rage in 2025.


Created in collaboration by id Software, Nightdive Studios, and MachineGames, Legacy of Rust is the newest episode for DOOM, and the first official episode since DOOM II to feature new demons and weapons. This 16-map Episode is broken up into two 8 map sections: The Vulcan Abyss and Counterfeit Eden.


A remastered version of the Master Levels for Doom II made in the KEX Engine, community-published mod support, original midi soundtrack or the modern IDKFA version by Andrew Hulshult, improved performance with multithreaded rendering, BOOM source compatibility, accessibility options and translated into eight new languages.

Part of franchise:
Doom (last 3 games)


A remastered version of the No Rest for the Living made in the KEX Engine, community-published mod support, original midi soundtrack or the modern IDKFA version by Andrew Hulshult, improved performance with multithreaded rendering, BOOM source compatibility, accessibility options and translated into eight new languages.


A remastered version of the Master Levels for Doom II made in the KEX Engine, community-published mod support, original midi soundtrack or the modern IDKFA version by Andrew Hulshult, improved performance with multithreaded rendering, BOOM source compatibility, accessibility options and translated into eight new languages.


Hell has invaded Earth, and to save it, you must battle mightier demons with even more powerful weapons. This beloved sequel to the groundbreaking Doom (1993) introduced players to the brutal Super Shotgun, the infamous Icon of Sin boss, and more intense FPS action. A remaster of Doom II made in the KEX Engine, community-published mod support, original midi soundtrack or the modern IDKFA version by Andrew Hulshult (which includes new recordings), Improved performance with multithreaded rendering, BOOM source compatibility, accessibility options and translated into eight new languages.