Fire Emblem: Path of a New World
Fire Emblem: Path of a New World follows the tale of the Wayfarers, a group of elite soldiers sent to control a rebellion born of an aristocratic conspiracy, trying to subjugate Trames under the rule of it's sworn enemy, Algard, both countries of the continent of Gravia.
Their tale continues as they find much more than a war or a political crisis...
The story follows a group of elite soldiers known as Wayfarers, a small military division from the Kingdom of Trames.
A group known to be sent to long-distance missions, the Wayfarers was a group created by Mikhail. the once prince, now king of Trames.
Trames is going through a turbulent period of war against a neighbor country, Algard. King Mikhail marched to the front lines, leaving the administration of the kingdom to a small group of aristocrats.
The group, however, took the unique opportunity, starting a coup d'état to turn Trames in a parliamentary republic under their command.
Having knowledge of the rebellion in his homeland, Mikhail sends the Wayfarers back to Trames, hoping to surpress the uprising.
The true face of the parliamentary will eventually show, through internal discussions, having startling revelations to everyone involved...
Could be interesting
Game modes