Fire Emblem: Path of a New World

Fire Emblem: Path of a New World follows the tale of the Wayfarers, a group of elite soldiers sent to control a rebellion born of an aristocratic conspiracy, trying to subjugate Trames under the rule of it's sworn enemy, Algard, both countries of the continent of Gravia. Their tale continues as they find much more than a war or a political crisis...
The story follows a group of elite soldiers known as Wayfarers, a small military division from the Kingdom of Trames. A group known to be sent to long-distance missions, the Wayfarers was a group created by Mikhail. the once prince, now king of Trames. Trames is going through a turbulent period of war against a neighbor country, Algard. King Mikhail marched to the front lines, leaving the administration of the kingdom to a small group of aristocrats. The group, however, took the unique opportunity, starting a coup d'état to turn Trames in a parliamentary republic under their command. Having knowledge of the rebellion in his homeland, Mikhail sends the Wayfarers back to Trames, hoping to surpress the uprising. The true face of the parliamentary will eventually show, through internal discussions, having startling revelations to everyone involved...


Could be interesting


Our story takes place during a war of succession. The Empress’ murder has left a realm in flames with many hungry rivals ready to seize the throne by force. The Duke Ivan then calls together a prestigious council of six trusted advisors to restore order and end the conflict that set ablaze Ashan’s lands. Might & Magic® Heroes VII makes a triumphant return bringing you the essence of turn based strategy gaming. Set in a fantasy universe with RPG progression with a strong story narrative, you will embark on a journey that you will never forget!


Tears of Avia is a turn-based tactical RPG. Play with up to 5 classes and hundreds of skills, finding the best synergy with your party and their skill loadout will mean the difference between success and failure. Run a balanced party or roll nothing but warriors, the choice is yours. With some skills being weapon bound rather than class bound, there are endless possibilities for you to experiment from.


Hire heroes, build an army, prevail in battles and try to keep your empire intact in the face of grave danger. Eador. Imperium is a new chapter in Eador series, known for its unique blend of grand strategy, turn-based tactics and RPG elements.


Here, order is maintained by the Church of Seiros, which hosts the prestigious Officer’s Academy within its headquarters. You are invited to teach one of its three mighty houses, each comprised of students brimming with personality and represented by a royal from one of three territories. As their professor, you must lead your students in their academic lives and in turn-based, tactical RPG battles wrought with strategic, new twists to overcome. Which house, and which path, will you choose?


Developed by Turbine, the MMO strategy mobile game puts players at the head of their own powerful House, with the ultimate goal of navigating the dangerous political landscape of Westeros and claiming the Iron Throne. Players will see some familiar faces from the hit HBO show as they play the game, including Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, and Jon Snow. Game of Thrones: Conquest is coming to the App Store and Google Play later this year.


A brand-new spaceship sandbox MMO set in an alternate New Eden, the sci-fi universe of Eve Online.


From the depths of obscurity to the peaks of legend, you will be the author of your civilization's history. Will you launch epic wars and conquer the entire world? Or rise up as a virtuous leader renowned for your sagacity? Will you set off to explore the unknown as a pioneer? Or dedicate yourself to helping your own people?


Pokémon Masters takes place on the island of Pasio, where the rules of battle are different and the treasured bond between Trainer and Pokémon is taken to the next level with sync pairs—the combination of a Trainer and their partner Pokémon. For the very first time in a Pokémon game, Trainers and their partner Pokémon from every Pokémon region will come together to form sync pairs. Players can team up with duos such as Korrina & Lucario, Brendan & Treecko, Clair & Kingdra, and many more. With all sorts of Trainers on Pasio, there are sure to be some exciting and unexpected encounters in this new story.


A fan-made prequel to the popular Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword (FE7), Fire Emblem: Immortal Sword (FE7x) is the tale of a vast conspiracy to throw the world of Elibe into chaos, and of three young leaders caught in its wake. A tale of questionable alliances, political intrigue, and the confusion of conflict. Follow a cast of your favorite characters in a brand new adventure, as their mettle is tested in both battlefields and moral dilemmas. Explore a world of new classes, skills, and features that bring the classic land of Elibe into a modern standard of tactical depth.




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