
Genre: Shooter Platform
Kujaku Ou the Peacock King, who is a young monk from Mt Koya with the direction of his Master, is sent to investigate strange paranormal incidents taking over Japan. In it the player takes the role of a band of heroes fighting against evil demons. The player interacts with the story by selecting actions from a list of options on screen (look, take, talk etc) and by a simple 'point-and-click interface.


Part of collection:


The adventure continues as Peacock faces the incarnation of general Nobunaga Oda. Team up with Asura, a fiery spirit, Jukindo master Onimaru, and Zen master Kou Kaifou to fight Nobunaga's missionary minions with a vast array of Shingon spells! Travel to the mystic world of the Lotus mandala and defeat Hindu demons, dark boddhisattvas, and the shadowiest villain yet, the Phoenix!


Game is based on the popular comic book Kujaku-ou published between 1985 - 1989. In this horizontal scrolling action game, a user plays the main character Kujaku using various attacking techniques to fight against monsters and ghosts. Final boss is the death soul of Nobunaga Oda.


Kujaku Ou the Peacock King, who is a young monk from Mt Koya with the direction of his Master, is sent to investigate strange paranormal incidents taking over Japan. In it the player takes the role of a band of heroes fighting against evil demons. The player interacts with the story by selecting actions from a list of options on screen (look, take, talk etc) and by a simple 'point-and-click interface.

Part of franchise:
Peacock King


The adventure continues as Peacock faces the incarnation of general Nobunaga Oda. Team up with Asura, a fiery spirit, Jukindo master Onimaru, and Zen master Kou Kaifou to fight Nobunaga's missionary minions with a vast array of Shingon spells! Travel to the mystic world of the Lotus mandala and defeat Hindu demons, dark boddhisattvas, and the shadowiest villain yet, the Phoenix!


Game is based on the popular comic book Kujaku-ou published between 1985 - 1989. In this horizontal scrolling action game, a user plays the main character Kujaku using various attacking techniques to fight against monsters and ghosts. Final boss is the death soul of Nobunaga Oda.


Kujaku Ou the Peacock King, who is a young monk from Mt Koya with the direction of his Master, is sent to investigate strange paranormal incidents taking over Japan. In it the player takes the role of a band of heroes fighting against evil demons. The player interacts with the story by selecting actions from a list of options on screen (look, take, talk etc) and by a simple 'point-and-click interface.

Could be interesting


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