Metroid Heardle

Could be interesting

A clone of Heardle, but for Love Live songs.

A clone of Heardle, and K-Pop Heardle but for Kirby songs. Each Kirby Heardle is randomly chosen from Kirby's Soundtracks Library (Owned by HAL Laboratory) Majority songs were chosen from mainline games, while the selective few are from sidegame titles.

A clone of Heardle, and K-Pop Heardle but for MegaMan songs. Each MegaMan Heardle is randomly chosen from MegaMan's discography.

A 2nd Mario Heardle that ran concurrently with the first, featuring different songs. It ended on May 14th, 2023.

A variation of Wordle dedicated to songs from the Yoshi games. It ended on August 14th, 2022.

A spinoff of Mario Heardle, which is focused only on the platformer titles, also known as the "Mainline" series. It ended on December 31st, 2022.

A very short-lived spinoff of Mario Heardle that was focused on the Mario Party series. It ended on June 22nd, 2022.

It is a clone of Sonic Heardle, a clone of Joywave Heardle (modeled on the original Heardle).

A clone of Heardle for Harry Styles songs.

A clone of Heardle, but for One Direction (group) songs. Each 1D Heardle is a randomly chosen song.