
Genre: Adventure
Whiskers is a Yume Nikki fangame created in under 2 days for the Dream Diary Jam. It is complete, and there will likely be no future updates beyond bug fixes if any are found. Play as Raymond from Animal Crossing and explore his shitpost dreams.


Could be interesting


Dragons, witches, trolls... No one can stop Anna. With her telekinesis, unorthodox use of torture instruments, a knack for improvisation and the help of a shady fox she just makes her way. She communes with the dead, shuts off the local taverns beer supply and gets old ladies behind bars... The world of author Dane Krams' debut on the game development stage isn't as cuddly as it may seem. Anna however, is actually perfectly nice - or is she? It all starts with freeing talking teddy bear... Anna's Quest unfolds a hand-drawn, grim tale with a good dash of self-irony.


A metafictional account of Davey Wreden, creator of the Stanley Parable (2013), who takes the player through the games of his old friend, Coda, while giving his commentary and interpretations of them, in order to understand why he makes the bizarre, often melancholic games that he makes, and decipher Coda's personality and inner struggles.


Dude Simulator 2 is an open world sandbox game. This is a life simulator. The main objective is to enjoy what you are doing.


The Looking Glass is a Yume Nikki fangame that features spoken dialogue and flavortext when interacting with objects and characters. The game also features light adventure elements, such as simple puzzles and increased interactivity in the normal world. Unlike most fangames the player character is capable of leaving her room, and begins the game in her classroom at her school. You play as Irene, who discovers a hidden world after falling through her mirror. The game follows her as she explores this new world after coming home from school.


A surreal adventure through the Chronoverse.


Explore over 28 3d dreams, as you traverse the Chronoverse to remember your dreams.


An Exploration Through A Dream Journal


Aura Aspic is a yume nikki fan game developed by Dream Key for the Dream Jam 2018. The game was developed with RPG Maker MV and produced closely following the spirit of the original yume nikki by kikiyama, as such it focuses mainly on exploration and free interpretation of everything the player experiences.


Dream Wires is a collaborated English Yume Nikki fangame created by sniperbob and Madoreptilian in RPG Maker 2003. The game stars Shigeru.


Dream Journey is a Yume Nikki fangame created for the 2017 Dream Diary Jam. It stars MC, a nonbinary character with no real name. It's a traditional fangame, based around exploring MC's dream world and collecting effects. As opposed to a bedroom, Dream Journey takes place on a moving train.