
Genre: Platform
Widget is an action-platforming video game series created for the Nintendo Entertainment System in the 1990s, developed and published by Atlus. It was based on the cartoon series Widget the World Watcher, which stars a purple alien named Widget. The original game came out in 1992, followed by the sequel Super Widget on the Super NES in 1993.
The world is in danger as an evil twin of a cute alien named Widget is about to destroy the whole planet. Widget must travel through several regions in order to gain new powers and in the end face his ultimate enemy.


Part of franchise:


Super Widget is a platform game for the Super Nintendo, based on the cartoon show, Widget. It shares some similarities to the game Felix the Cat in how the main character upgrades their weapon as they collect more power-ups. Widget navigates through various worlds as he travels to Earth, picking up 'W' coins - 100 earns him an extra life. There are also special power ups in different categories - these allow Widget to transform into a variety of different creatures, each with their own different ranged attack. As the player collects more power-ups of the same type (up to three), they change into more powerful creatures. If the player gets hit while transformed, they change back to the previous creature. If they get hit while as normal Widget, they lose a life. At the end of each world is a boss character. These are larger enemies that require learning their basic pattern, avoiding their attacks, and then firing back with your own. After defeating the boss, the player is graded based on how long it took to complete the level and their combat skills. They are then awarded 'Watcher Experience' based on these grades.


Widget is an action-platforming video game series created for the Nintendo Entertainment System in the 1990s, developed and published by Atlus. It was based on the cartoon series Widget the World Watcher, which stars a purple alien named Widget. The original game came out in 1992, followed by the sequel Super Widget on the Super NES in 1993.

Could be interesting


Marvel’s Avengers is an epic, third-person, action-adventure game that combines an original, cinematic story with single-player and co-operative gameplay. Assemble into a team of up to four players online, master extraordinary abilities, customize a growing roster of Heroes, and defend the Earth from escalating threats.


An RPG set in the Digimon Universe.


Have fun with Scooby doo while learning Logic, maths and vocabulary skills.


Devil Island is an action game for the Game Boy Color. It is alternately known as Devil Land, 惡魔城2 月風魔篇 (Castlevania 2: Record of Getsu Fūma), 魔戒博詵 (Lord of the Rings), and 魔戒3-不完美的世界 (Lord of the Rings 3: Imperfect World). The text is completely in Chinese, and no English translation is known to exist.


Barver Battle Saga: Tai Kong Zhan Shi (Chinese: '太空戰士 魔法戰士') is an unlicensed game for the Sega Mega Drive, developed by Chuanpu.


Binary Monsters III - School Fighter (熱門高校 數碼怪獸III) is a Game Boy Color title published by Gowin, and released in 2001. It is the third game in the Binary Monsters series, and Gowin's 5th GBC-released game.


Chinese Tycoon (中國大亨) is a Game Boy Color game developed by Hitek. This is a port of the Richman 2 (大富翁2). It is believed to be the game released under the Hitek name and it appears to be their only board game.


NES version of Magic Tower.



A handheld game based on Daffy Duck.