1000 Days of Syria

Could be interesting
A game about depression and self-fullfilling prophecies
Explore the city, meet monsters, help folks!

Choice: Texas is an educational interactive fiction game addressing reproductive healthcare access in the state of Texas. Play as one of five Texas women attempting to navigate the state's reproductive healthcare system. Although billed as interactive fiction, Choice: Texas is based on extensive research into healthcare access, legal restrictions, geography, and demographics, and is reflective of the real circumstances facing women in the state.
A No-Nonsense Finance Game about Personal Finance, Money Management, & Budgeting

Guardian of the Code is a visual novel designed to teach about internet safety and general cyber security concepts. The target audience is for 12-18 year olds but anyone can benefit from staying safe online!
The oceans have been invaded by a strange type of fish. These fish are rapidly reproducing, destroying all native forms in the area. We have deployed Tethys, a robotic drone to capture and study these fish. Where did they come from? Why are they decimating our oceans? How do we stop them? How do we prevent this from happening again?

Sir Basil Pike Public School is an interactive narrative role playing game that explores the dynamics of bullying among boys and girls aged 10-14 (grades 5-9). The user can follow either the boys’ story or the girls’ story. Both stories intersect for the conclusion. In the boys’ story, the user is accused of stealing another boy’s bike. At issue is the truth and honor. The girls’ story revolves around a sleepover party where all but one is invited and the consequences of being nice or competitive are explored. The purpose of the game is to show what’s really going on in a couple of common schoolyard conflicts and to challenge the user to think about the consequences of impulsive action. The game presents a non-linear approach to problem solving that reveals to the user the cause and effect of different strategies of conflict resolution.

Join Angel Gabby and friends on an educational journey through the skies! Will you remember how to behave well with others? Or will you need to be taught an additional lesson?
A tree reaches towards the heavens. Do you wish to understand it?

An interactive casemaker tutorial made in PyWright.