Aa! Megami-sama!

Based on the anime series Ah! My Goddess, the game follows the story of a Japanese high-school student named Keiichi, who has accidentally summoned the powerful, yet very lovely Norse goddess Verdandi (mercilessly misspelled Belldandy in the game) and pronounced a wish to stay with her forever. Now the gorgeous goddess has become a part of his life, and the two find themselves involved in constant misunderstandings and comical situations, yet also develop feelings for each other...


Could be interesting


The Eden of Grisaia is a Japanese adult visual novel, the third and final installment in a series of visual novels by Front Wing and the sequel to The Labyrinth of Grisaia. Beginning with the protagonist's sudden disappearance, the story quickly moves toward a dramatic climax, with all the answers revealed at last. Additional contents include "Prologue de la Grisaia," a side story that depicts the five heroines' arrival at Mihama Academy, and their time there prior to the arrival of Kazami Yuji.


This game is an animated visual novel based on a youthful, dream filled high school life story. This game portrays the player as Aoi, the protagonist, and brings the player through the feat of building the glider that will realise their dreams, while bonding with the female characters.


A romantic comedy visual novel centered around a girl named Mika Anderson, who gets entangled in the affairs of incubi.


Necrobarista is a gorgeous 3D visual novel about a supernatural Melbourne cafe where the dead spend their last night on Earth. Utilizing a unique anime-inspired aesthetic, Necrobarista places a focus on the usage of animation and cinematography to provide a cinematic experience that draws players into a visually and narratively captivating adventure. Through a series of vignettes, Necrobarista presents a story told from the viewpoints of a diverse cast of characters, and explores the supernatural underworld of Melbourne's cafe scene.


The game's original story, involves Kazuma discovering a cursed ring that allows him to steal the underwear of others near him. He learns the only way to undo the curse would be through raising enough money. The game's "Underwear Judgment" system revolves the player controlling Kazuma in returning lost underwear to their rightful owners.


Join Kotone in this Visual Novel on her adventure as Viola in her online game Asaph Online. Find friends, accept their quests and get to know the world of Asaph.


Play as Shido and unravel the secrets of the mysterious spirit Ren in the visual novel follow-up to Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation, based on the acclaimed light novel and anime series.


Yume no Tsubasa is an adventure game, developed and published by KID, which was released in Japan in 2000.


In this twisted love story of a visual novel by CLOCKUP, an insomniac must decide whether to protect his position as a yakuza bigwig’s pet killer or the mysterious woman who can put him to sleep.