Action open-world game that includes elements of exploration. Taking place in ancient Babylon and the surrounding region, including cities like Borsippa, Sippar, Kutha and Kish, among others. The year is 539 BC, the time when the Babylonian empire feel to the Persians and its Jewish captives released from servitude after 70 years. As prophesied, Babylon is to be destroyed. Ilum accurately depicts archaeological findings and cuneiform inscriptions from buildings such as the Tower of Babel, Hanging Gardens and Nebuchadnezzar's palaces. Voice-acted in Akkadian language in a Biblical and Babylonian mythological background.
Nebuchadnezzar II is the king of kings of the near east, the center of civilization and culture.
He had just sieged and razed Jerusalem to the ground, destroyed its temple, captured all Jewish relics, including the Ark of the Covenant and the 10 Commandments, and brought all inhabitants as captives to Babylon.
What initially seemed as another Babylonian conquest, it was actually the result of a prophecy known much before: Jerusalem’s destruction was actually the result of the idolatry consuming Jewish lands.
The prophecy also set that Babylon itself was going to be destroyed after 70 years, with all captives being released and all sacred relics sent back to Jerusalem. How can Babylon, the biggest and most protected city on earth, be destroyed by the prophecy of an invisible God brought upon by slaves?
539 BC. The 70 years are fulfilled. Now it is your duty to destroy Babylon and take the Ark of Covenant back to Jerusalem!