Vila do Nevoeiro R.E.L.I.D.O
Vila do Nevoeiro R.E.L.I.D.O is an psychological horror game that tells the story of Adam, who has recently moved to the strange Nevoeiro Village shortly after divorcing his wife, and his son, Charles, who has mysteriously disappeared in the midst of a distorted world. Desperately, Adam searches for Charles, not knowing if he is dreaming or going insane.
"... I'm coming home ... Down a long and lonely road ... Who will be there, waiting for me? ...
... Will the same faces be there? Familiar faces? ... The people I loved? ... I will never forgive myself.
I devoted more time to nonsense than the people who cared about me....
I thought it was important to prove myself to other people... But they abandoned me as soon as I fell into oblivion... They never came back to take me out.
I miss my mother, my father's smile. They were the ones who really loved me. I still remember the rainy days I used to sing at the window... It was you, who always encouraged me....
Today I am nothing more than a lost soul, a figure in the shadows... A person with no destiny.
I died for all of you... for the rest of the world...
... Will I wake up when I come home? ..."
The following text is part of a report found in the belongings of journalist and photographer Carlos A. Chaves, who mysteriously disappeared on January 16, 2007.
In 1943, a mysterious disease victimized most of the people in a small village. The infected people (mostly children) were kept isolated in their homes, and to avoid seeing their own deformed faces their parents covered them with a cloth bag.
From there a legend was born that, when looking in the mirror, the person would have his image stolen and in exchange, he was left with a deformed physique and a soulless body.
It was a way to prevent children from looking in the mirror.
In the same year the disease was fought by an armed group who invaded the village and killed the victims, and in the same way, they mysteriously disappeared.
Approximately sixty years later:
Adam moved to the Nevoeiro Village, together with his son Charles, in early 2000, shortly after divorcing his wife.
Nevoeiro Village seemed to be the most peaceful town in the world, and the most boring too.
What was different about the tiny country town?
Absolutely nothing, until Adam woke up to find that his son had disappeared from his house and, with a terrible headache, realized that it was suddenly snowing in the middle of summer.
When Adam goes outside, he finds the carport locked and an anomaly by the gate preventing any passage.
- Could it be the devil? - he wondered.
And who was that strange old man who had appeared in his house?
- You asked for my services, remember? Two days ago, but you said you had such a headache... I think you spent some time sleeping and forgot...".
"God, my head..."
- Have you seen Charlie? My boy...
- Oh, yes... Charles... You said he was gone, but... how could he be out in weather like this? And the gate... It's just dead-ended....
- Ha, yes... the devil! He wants to torment me... Don't you think?....
Charles, where would my little "Charlie" be?
In the midst of a distorted world, Adam desperately searches for Charles, not knowing if he is dreaming or going insane.
Could be interesting
Game modes