The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians
Users 80/100
The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians is an RPG Dungeon Crawler game, in first person view. It features a modern combat system based on the triptych "tank/damage dealer/healer" mechanism.
Fight your way through hordes of enemies and powerful creatures, explore intricate corridors, underground palaces, mines fallen into oblivion and evil crypts. Solve puzzles, avoid deadly traps, uncover hidden passages, and keep your bearing through mazes & hallways.
You're a newly employed guard of a prison deep inside a dungeon. The night of your arrival, strange things happen and when you wake up in the morning, all prisoners have escaped amidst chaos. The warden wisely decides to leave the dungeon as quickly as possible, while tasking you to run after the escaping prisoners. You then assemble your team and venture into the mysterious dungeon.
Could be interesting