Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes

Genre: Fighting
Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes is a 3D crossover fighting game featuring the heroes of 10 different Kamen Rider TV series, from Kuuga through to Decade. The story is set in the Decade universe, where the worlds of the other nine Riders are all combining into one, and they must work together to save their worlds before they are completely destroyed. The game plays much like other 3D fighters such as Tekken, with the major addition being the so-called "Form Change" system that allows each Rider to transform during battle, and even in the middle of a combo. The main story mode is "Decade Mode", where the player must complete various missions with different characters to proceed through the story. There are also standard Versus, Survival, and Training modes. The game also includes a simple control option for younger players.
In Decade Mode, the player follows Tsukasa Kadoya's journey through the nine Heisei Kamen Rider worlds as Kamen Rider Decade, fighting the other Riders and attempting to prevent the destruction of the worlds. Decade Mode differs from standard gameplay in that Decade's Form Change and Special Attacks are customizable with KamenRide Cards and Final FormRide Cards earned as the player progresses. The missions in the mode are divided by three levels, with the easiest missions can be played in Level 1 while the hardest can be found in Level 3. Level 2 and 3 can be unlocked as the player progress in Level 1.


Part of collection:
Kamen Rider (last 3 games)


Kamen Rider: Memory of Heroez is a much more evolved Kamen Rider experience than previous console titles. The player must battle while cleverly operating form changes and utilizing gadgets that have appeared in the Kamen Rider series.


Kamen Rider: Climax Scramble, is a Japanese fighting game developed by Eighting and Bandai Namco Entertainment exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. Serving as the sequel to Kamen Rider: Climax Fighters, it is the second installment of the Climax Fighters reboot and the seventh overall installment of the Kamen Rider: Climax series. Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the franchise, the game features all the Riders within the Heisei-era that ended with Zi-O as playable characters.


Kamen Rider returns to the fighting game genre after a brief absence.

Part of franchise:
Kamen Rider (last 3 games)


Ride Kamens is a free-to-play Japanese mobile game developed by Liber Entertainment for both Apple iOS and Android devices. The game is a spin-off of the overall Kamen Rider Series and set in its own unique world.


The Kamen Ridertchi is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano model based on the Toei television series Kamen Rider, created to celebrate the show's 50th anniversary.


Kamen Rider: Memory of Heroez is a much more evolved Kamen Rider experience than previous console titles. The player must battle while cleverly operating form changes and utilizing gadgets that have appeared in the Kamen Rider series.

Could be interesting


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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is an open-world action-adventure video game based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man and the 2014 film of the same name. Two years after the death of Ben Parker, Peter Parker his nephew gains special spider-like powers to become Spider-man. But now with the rise of enemies like Harry Osborn, kingpin, And the Russian Mob, Spider-man is in one of his biggest battles yet. However, he is not the only one hunting villains.


The Earthlings have joined the interstellar club. The galaxy will never be the same. The year is 2086 and Earth has detected an alien distress call originating from the surface of Triton. In response, Star Control is formed with you as The Captain of Earth's first prototype starship.


Marvel’s Avengers is an epic, third-person, action-adventure game that combines an original, cinematic story with single-player and co-operative gameplay. Assemble into a team of up to four players online, master extraordinary abilities, customize a growing roster of Heroes, and defend the Earth from escalating threats.


Shiro Kazami accidentally witnesses a murder by the evil organization Destron, making him their next target. When he returned home, he finds his family being murdered by the Hasami Jaguar. When the Riders were attacked, and almost killed, by Kame Bazooka, Shiro shows up as Kamen Rider V3. Now, Shiro uses his new power to protect mankind against Destron.


All over the city, innocent people are being mysteriously abducted, never to be seen again. During his investigations of these incidents, Shinji Kido – an intern at the online news service ORE Journal – discovers one of the Advent Card decks at an apartment where every reflective surface has been covered by newspaper. He is soon sucked into the Mirror World, discovering the terrifying truth behind the disappearances: people are literally being pulled through mirrors by the monsters of the Mirror World so that they may feed. He is about to be killed by a powerful dragon named Dragredder when he is saved by Kamen Rider Knight: Ren Akiyama. Ren seeks to win the Rider War at all costs. He works with a young woman named Yui Kanzaki, who seeks her missing brother: the master of the Rider War, Shiro Kanzaki. Seeing Ren's strength, Shinji enters the Rider War not for the prize, but so that he may protect innocent people from the threat of the Mirror World, and stop the senseless fighting between the Kamen Riders. With Dragredder as his Contract Monster, he becomes Kamen Rider Ryuki.


Immortal: Unchained is a souls-inspired third-person shooter/action RPG.


Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3 (ウルトラマン Fightingファイティング Evolutionエボリューション 3スリー Urutoraman Faitingu Eboryūshon Surī) also called "Ultraman FE3" is a Fighting game developed and published by Banpresto. it is the 3rd in the Ultraman Fighting Evolution series. The direction is provided by Yuji Machi, who acted as Ultraman Tiga's voice actor as well.


Ultraman Fighting Evolution 2 (ウルトラマン Fightingファイティング Evolutionエボリューション 2ツー Urutoraman Faitingu Eboryūshon Tsū) is a fighting game. It was released and published by Banpresto. It was the sequel of the original Ultraman Fighting Evolution series.


An new game based on Zoids Wild announced for the Nintendo Switch. A new anime series called Zoids Wild was announced with a toy line arriving first as well as a manga, a phone app and the Switch game.